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Lunes, Agosto 10, 2015

3 - Problems Gamer Will Unsterstand

1.Trading In A Game, Then Immediately Wanting To Play It Again

As part of the ever-ongoing problem of gaming being one of the most ridiculously expensive hobbies on the planet and they’re being so, so very many games out there that must be bought, we sometimes have to sacrifice that which was once held dear.
Often to get a new title you’ll find yourself rummaging through your gaming collection for things that’ll still hold some value. With nothing available, you’ll then take a game from years ago even though they’ll give you a pittance in the store.
You’ll use this to get some much-needed money off the latest title, but almost instantly you’ll find yourself inexplicably wanting to play the games you’ve parted with.

2.Having A Never-Ending Backlog Of Games

When you were a kid, life was simple. You went to school, ate some food, then gamed. You had all the time in the world, but you were quite content playing the same game over and over again because you simply didn’t have the money to do otherwise.
Then, quite suddenly, you’re an adult earning money. One game is now never enough; you’ll buy anything, as long as it’s cheap. Steam sales in particular are the most hideously appealing things ever to gamers who simply must buy everything for any amount less or equal to their bank balance.
Of course you won’t have time to actually play any of them, but it’s always nice to know they’re there, just waiting.

3.Trying To Be Cool And Hating COD, Then Buying It Anyway

We’re not entirely sure why the human race feels the need to collectively hate on something once it becomes popular, but such has become the case for the gargantuan series, Call of Duty.
Everyone moans about it. “It’s the same old crap, different year!” scream the message boards with thousands of opinionated gamers, each of whom will no doubt still buy the latest offering when it hits later that year.
If you are truly a COD hater and haven’t been near the thing for ten years, well done. You’ve probably missed out on hours upon hours of fun, but we applaud you standing firm by your beliefs.

You will go to bed after this one. Seriously, you will. You know you have to get up at Ridiculous O’clock in the morning. You’ll just finish up doing this bit, hit a nice point to stop and then go to bed. Yep. Totally will.
Before you know it, it’s now six in the morning and you’ve completely missed your chance to get any sleep whatsoever. It’s not your fault – after the bit you did there was another bit that was really exciting and gave you new things to play around with.
Then there was another bit after that…and another after that. If only games weren’t so damn fun!

1 komento:

  1. Very accurate! It's hard to get satisfied when there's numerous games coming out every year!
