Mga Pahina

Lunes, Agosto 10, 2015

7 - Things Only Bunso Unsderstand

You are wise beyond your years
 You saw your ate go through the shittiest breakups. You saw your kuya break down that one night he was fighting with his girlfriend on the phone. You know a lot about love, even if it is something you've never experienced before, because you watched your siblings go through it first.
 You are the funniest
 Your older siblings are so entertained by you that every thing you say is hilarious. You are The Funny One. It is abunso thing. Older siblings are never funny because they are old and lack a solid sense of humor.
 It will always be your fault
When your fighting with your sister its always be your fault.

You are very, very overprotective
That one time ate came home crying because her classmate  pulled out her butterfly clips from her hair was the worst day of your life. Because nobody gets to bully your sister. Except maybe you. haha

Their victories are always your victories. 
Your sister playing a starfish during her first ballet recital was the best day of your life. Also, that time    went up on stage when he was seven and gave a speech entitled, "When I Grow Up, I Want To Be A Teacher."

You will always be doted on in public
I used to cringe when my father calls me “Bunso” or “Buns” in public, but I have adapted to it by now. I just hope that no one I know is anywhere nearby. But when they do call me Buns in the company of friends and acquaintances, I try to keep a straight face and wait for the floor to open up and eat me whole.

You listen to your older siblings even when you don’t want to

You really don’t want to get your older brother a glass of water, but one look from him and you’re scrambling downstairs to get that water. You can insist that you’re not a push over and you’re not created to follow their wiles and wishes. You can pout all day and stomp your feet in frustration, but you know you’ll still get that glass of water.

You will always be the ugly one

Older siblings will always find something to criticize about your clothes, no matter how carefully you put together your outfit. Even as you get older, you’ll still be called “pangit” even when you’re all dressed up. They’re probably just teasing, but no way in hell will they actually think you look great.

You feel like a responsible and dependable human being when they ask for your help

Let me get a tissue because I think these are tears in my eyes. They actually trust me now? Did I actually do something right for once? The responsibility suddenly given to you can be so overwhelming that you’re challenged to step up and prove that you’re a valuable member of the family, too.
Despite our issues about being the youngest child, we know we don’t want it any other way. There are days when I have delusions of wanting to be the ate, so I can lord over a younger sibling, too. But at the bottom of my heart, I know that my family only do what they do because they love me.
I know that no matter what happens, they’ll always have my back.

There's always somebody to take care of you when you get sick — maski lagnat o sipon.

And you’re forever the youngest one, even if you become taller than all of your siblings.

And there’s always a special pasalubong for you from your balikbayan siblings.

Kahit konting lambing lang, your mom will cook your favorite food for you.

And they’ll never say no when you ask for more.

Because, let’s face it, it’s only your right to inherit the best of everything.

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