Mga Pahina

Lunes, Agosto 10, 2015

5 - Artists Will Understand

Being Afraid Of “Wasting” Great Materials

It’s so exciting to get amazing new materials- that is, until you realise that no project you have planned is worthy of such greatness. If you’re optimistic, you’ll keep them on your workspace for a while, hoping to soon dream up something deserving of their majesty, but they’ll eventually be shoved off into some dusty corner to await their destiny. And, more than likely, they will keep waiting in that corner until they are lost to the sands of time, which is an even greater waste than if you were to use them on lesser pieces.
Take a deep breath and use the fancy pastels. It’ll all be okay.

Running Out Of Fingers To Smudge With

 we all know that they make special tools to smudge with. But let’s be real: no tool is as effective as your fingers. That’s why it’s so devastating to you look down at your hands and see that each and  is covered with a nice coating of graphite, charcoal, or whatever medium you’re working with. What are you meant to do now? If you use a dirty finger, you risk the catastrophe of an unwanted smear. Yet that section *must* be smudged!

Accidentally Tearing Your Paper When You Erase

It’s strange that something as precious as art can exist on something as flimsy as a sheet of paper. It’s also terrifying: one wrong move can destroy a beloved and slaved-over piece. Erasers, which are normally such handy little tools, can be particularly vicious; even the most unassuming of rubbers can create a tear the size of the Marianas Trench across your page, ruining hours of hard work in the blink of an eye. What did you do to deserve such betrayal? And, anyways, erasers are meant to fix mistakes, not cause greater ones!
It’s just not right.

Getting Materials All Over Your Hands

It is an undeniable truth that materials have an uncanny knack for getting all over you. Of course, this is all part of the business; you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Still, few things are more highly annoying than trying to work on something but instead only succeeding in making it, and everything around you, extraordinarily messy. Graphite on the side of your hand? That’ll be a nice smudge across your drawing. Paint on your forearm? Now it’s on the door from where you pushed it open. You get the picture.
It’s a dirty job but someone’s gotta do it.

Never happy with you work
You’re happy when you do it, and then you look back on it and all you can see are its faults. It’s maddeningly maddening. The problem is that, as artists, we seek perfection in our vision but perfection is unreachable. You’re never going to have enough time or money or omnipotence.

Thinking Someone is always better than you
No matter how hard you try, no matter how good you are, no matter how talented, unique, interesting, whatever, in your mind, there’s always going to be someone better than you. It might not be true. You might be a generational talent, a Michael Jackson or a Paul McCartney or a Spielberg or a whatever, but the nature of art dictates that even if you’re at the very top, chances are you got there by never being happy with your own work.

You cant just be an artist
dirty art that no one ever sees. But if you want to succeed, you simply can’t. There are way too many people who are better than you, and there are even more people who might not have your skill but have more hustle. If you want to compete. 

Ideas easily be stolen 
now a day art work is easily stolen specially when you upload your art work in Facebook or in social media It’s really strange and frustrating and makes you feel like you have to guard your thoughts like some kind of a crazy person.

~Art will not materialise, life will not get organised, connections will not be made, if you are not taking conscious action steps, big and small, with consistency. - 

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